New investment in sport and music education
The government has announced its intention to improve children’s opportunities in sports and music A multi-million-pound investment will give children keep reading
The government has announced its intention to improve children’s opportunities in sports and music A multi-million-pound investment will give children keep reading
As reported by Zipe-education, a survey from the National Foundation for Educational Research has found that 32% of primary school keep reading
Michael Rosen says that those looking at government plans for education are struggling to find what hard cash is going keep reading
Criticism that government’s tutoring programme is patchy and overlooks the pandemic’s impact on resilience and social skills This is an keep reading
John Jackson, CEO of edtech charity LGfL – The National Grid for Learning, on how LGfL can help your school keep reading
Socially disadvantaged pupils’ futures are at risk of an interruption to their education if catch-up scheme is not improved, says keep reading
Is the finance function in your school considered to be vitally important – or is it a seen as just keep reading
Confused about how to approach integrated curriculum financial planning? SBM expert, Val Andrew, explains all and offers some advice Since keep reading
Highlighting serious financial challenges in the education sector across the UK and Ireland, 54% of school leaders have reported that keep reading
As reported by the BBC, the motion calls for funds and properties held by private schools to be “redistributed democratically keep reading
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