The June issue of Education Executive is here!

The latest edition of Education Executive is here and ready to read!  Take a moment to relax, grab a cup of tea, and read on to learn what the latest ‘buzz’ is in the world of school business leadership

In this issue, the UKSSN shines a spotlight on biodiversity, helping you maximise your outdoor spaces. Claire Walters explains how to make recruitment and induction processes more inclusive and in our first EdExec SBL Voice you have your say on the topic of duties – should SBLs be doing them at all?

Justin Smith dives into the world of AI and Nigel Milligan helps you convert your technophobes into tech wizards.

Meanwhile, if you’re feeling like you’re from Mars and your governors are from a galaxy, far far away, Rebecca Cunliffe has some advice to get you on the right track.


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