The learning curve: A blueprint for trust-infused leadership

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In the bustling realm of today’s business environments, successful organisations prioritise continuous learning. The linchpin of this success lies in trust-building, employee engagement, and ongoing development. Leaders, aiming for excellence, leverage the learning curve—a proven pattern enhancing team dynamics

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on About Leaders, as a follow-up to our previous article, Trust talk: Building leadership foundations

The learning curve assumes that people learn through four distinctive stages:

Norm: Their current mindset

To yield results, engaging with your team’s NORM, understanding their mindset, is paramount. Reactive managers, absorbed in their own viewpoints, overlook the invaluable insights and beliefs of their team. Initiating change without considering the collective viewpoint alienates employees and fuels the rumour mill.

Discovering your team’s NORMS requires a simple shift—ask questions. Instead of dictating changes, seek their input: “We’re starting an hour earlier next week. What are your thoughts?” This not only invites valuable input but fosters support, especially in challenging situations.

Storm: Their initial reaction

The STORM follows, a natural response to change. Allow your team to express frustrations, voice concerns, and ask questions without interference. Suppressing this phase stifles the learning curve, eroding trust and respect.

Effective leaders weather the STORM. They listen, creating a safe space for expression. In embracing the storm, leaders signal their commitment, reinforcing trust within the team.

Form: Their commitment

FORM marks the understanding and commitment phase. Light bulbs illuminate as team members conceptualise solutions. Actively involving the team in problem-solving ensures a lasting impact, transcending the forgettable nature of dictated information.

Encourage hands-on involvement; let your team do the talking. This elevates retention from a mere 20% to a substantial 80%.

Perform: Their execution

In the PERFORM stage, armed with formulated solutions, teams execute tasks seamlessly. If you allow them to complete the learning curve journey, without interruptions, you’ll attain continuous, enduring results, enhancing an additional layer of trust to your foundation.

The leader’s dilemma

Why do some managers shy away from this proven methodology? Fear. The energy unleashed during NORM, STORM, FORM, PERFORM phases can overwhelm reactive managers. Fearful of losing control, they revert to defensive postures, hindering progress.

Ultimate Leaders embrace the process. By communicating, listening, and valuing input, they foster commitment and buy-in. Trust blooms as leaders demonstrate a genuine interest in their team’s expertise and dedication.

The learning curve goes beyond change; it’s a versatile ally. From tough decisions to defusing tensions, it shapes talks for optimal reactions, creative solutions, and smooth execution—ushering those who master it toward trust and success.

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