As reported by the Eastern Daily Press, a Great Yarmouth school has turned itself around to achieve a ‘good’ Ofsted rating
An East Anglian school has received high praise from Ofsted following an impressive transformation.
Rated ‘inadequate’ in 2016, the Novaturient School in Great Yarmouth has undergone a radical change. The school teaches 12 pupils with emotional behavioural difficulties and has now been rated ‘good’.
Headteacher of Novatuient, Sally Alden, said it has undergone an enormous journey since the last review, with pupils previously making the expected level of progress and safeguarding proving ineffective.
Ofsted said that it was impressed with the improvements the school has implemented, particular regarding the quality of teaching.
The report also highlighted that pupils – previously referred to as ‘disengaged’ in the 2016 report – are made to feel welcome by the hard-working staff.
Alden said: “I am really proud of the team and the students for all their hard work.
“We are a small school with great potential that is now demonstrating a positive reputation in breaking down barriers that had previously affected behaviour and progression.”
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