The education sector, the way our schools and academies are managed, even the school business manager role itself, never stop developing and nor should you. The team at ISBL give us some food for professional thought
“If you want to secure your future, standing still is not an option,” Stephen Morales, CEO of ISBL, said. He’s right, in any fast-moving sector it’s essential that the professionals keep pace with change; be it legislation, organisational design or practice.
Not staying at the forefront of your profession, or the top of your game, you risk other practitioners overtaking you in terms of knowledge, competency and skills, which – in a constantly evolving and ever more competitive sector – could see you lag behind professionally.
Keeping your options open
What is the consequence of failing to keep abreast with these it changes? Even if you consider yourself well respected and successful in your current role – and can see nothing changing in that equation – this is something you should ask yourself.
The answer? Well, fast forward just a few years in this constantly changing education landscape and you could see your role under review as local schools come together to form a collaborative structure, or your current headteacher retires or leaves. Either option is highly likely in the current climate and either could see significant impact on you personally.
As in any programme of change, those who flourish and prosper are the individuals who identify the changes and react immediately – with a pre-emptive strike. They are the professionals around you who are reviewing the education sector, assessing new emerging structures and roles, undertaking self-review against the ISBL Professional Standards and then creating a clear career plan, which includes professional development.
To effect the change, you need to ask yourself:
- Where do I want to be in five years’ time?
- What type of role do I want to have – specialist, generalist or executive?
Now is the time to invest in yourself, by taking the time to assess where you are and where you want to be.
Professional aspirations
As your professional body, the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL), can help you to assess your skills, future role opportunities and the best programmes of study to infill your knowledge and expertise.
Change is coming so make sure you are ready to prosper and thrive!
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