Government launches consultation on Advanced British Standard
As reported by The Independent, parents, teachers, and students have been invited to share views on the new post-16 qualification that aims keep reading
As reported by The Independent, parents, teachers, and students have been invited to share views on the new post-16 qualification that aims keep reading
An independent commission has been assembled to help set out a vision for colleges across the UK A new independent keep reading
The government has announced that colleges in the UK are set to receive a funding boost of £1.8m to help keep reading
A new initiative aimed at driving improvements in colleges will see six college governors and clerks appointed to help heal keep reading
A new report shows that funding for sixth form students has nosedived, with a £760 per student shortfall London Economics keep reading
A consultation got under-way February 6 over proposals which would create the first Multi-Academy Trust of its kind in the country. keep reading
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