Dr Gail Davies shares some mindfulness tips to help you become more resilient when faced with challenges
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Nuffield Health
Mindfulness can help you deal with day-to-day stresses by bringing your focus into the present moment. Try these mindfulness tips and see how they affect you.
Try to be non-judgemental
Begin by looking at just the facts, not the good or the bad, the should or the should not.
Do one thing at a time
When you are eating, eat. When you are walking, walk. When you are worrying, worry. Do each thing with all of your attention.
Concentrate your mind
If you catch yourself doing two things at once, go back to doing one thing.
Notice the experience
Don’t get caught in it, or react to it, just notice it.
Control your attention
Don’t push things away and do not cling to things.
Be alert to what comes in and out of your mind
Notice these thoughts, feelings and actions.
Notice your senses
Think in isolation about the different sounds, sights, smells, feelings and tastes.
Put words on the experience
When a thought or feeling arises, acknowledge it. Say in your mind, for example, ‘My stomach muscles are tightening up,’ or ‘I suddenly feel very sad’.
Put experiences into words
Describe to yourself what is happening. Give your feelings a name. Call a thought a thought, and call a feeling a feeling. Don’t get caught up in their content of them, for example, ‘I am having the feeling of being a little anxious.’
It can take time for mindfulness to become a habit, so remember to go easy on yourself. Just like going to the gym to strengthen your physical muscles, you’ll need to practice these tips every day to bolster your mental muscles, so that you can, eventually, tackle any problem that comes your way.
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