A controversial school in Devon will be taken over by a multi-academy trust, following an ‘inadequate’ rating from Ofsted
A state Steiner school will be taken over by an MAT following an ‘inadequate’ rating from Ofsted, according to The Guardian.
Safeguarding and lack of support for SEND children were highlighted as particular issues within the Devon school.
The problems were deemed so serious that the school was temporarily closed in October.
The Department for Education published a letter recently, confirming that the school has been issued with a termination warning notice.
The Ofsted report mentioned that ‘significant lapses in safeguarding practice continue to put pupils at risk.’
It also referred to all leadership across the school was ‘dysfunctional’, and that SEND pupils were disproportionately excluded from school.
The teaching was also criticised. The report continued: ‘Leaders have failed to shape a curriculum that combines the Steiner approach with the requisite academic learning that pupils need to succeed in their studies.’
Steiner schools remain controversial in the UK, due to the spiritual basis of the education.
Acting principal of the Steiner Academy Exeter, Paul Hougham, said changes have already been made following Ofsted’s inspection. He said:
“Robust measures to improve the school were already in place before the notification from the Department for Education and we are in regular contact with DfE officials to demonstrate the progress that has been made over the past two months.
“As part of this process the school will be formally rebrokered, which means that the regional schools commissioner will be inviting tenders from existing multi-academy trusts who are interested in adopting the school within their fold.
“At the heart of the reorganisation, already well under way, is a seismic shift in the consistency and level of rigour and responsiveness of our focus on the quality of children’s education and wellbeing.”
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