In a recent report conducted by Office Genie on workplace happiness, it was found that junior staff were least happy; mental health provisions were lacking; workers felt over worked and many were not in flexible situations. Here we take a look at the key findings and ask – how happy an environment is your place of work?
Office Genie surveyed 2,000 UK office workers and asked them about factors affecting their happiness in the workplace. While the average level of workplace happiness for British employees sits at 3.63/5, there was some cause for concern.
Junior staff are the least happy in the workforce: they rank at 3.40 on the happiness scale – comparatively, business owners rank at 4.20 – a significant 25% higher.
Of further concern was the fact employees with mental health issues feel unsupported in the workplace. Over half (51%) of such respondents believe their place of work offers inadequate levels of support. Amongst this demographic, the most called-for support method is wellness initiatives, with 45% of people with mental health issues saying they would be beneficial – well above the overall average.
By far the most common of these is feeling overworked (47%)
A number of major stress factors in the modern workplace were discovered. By far the most common of these is feeling overworked (47%). This is followed by a lack of control over the role (25%), and not feeling fulfilled (25%). The latter two were particularly prevalent amongst junior staff.
In contrast, the report uncovered a number of key incentives employees feel would boost happiness. Top of this list is pay; 67% saying a pay rise would increase their happiness with work. Following this is flexible hours (33%) – equal with bonuses (33%).
Despite the desire for flexibility, many workers are not afforded the privilege of remote working. Nearly half of employees (46%) cannot work from home but a considerable 74% of them believe it would improve their happiness with work.
The workplace itself was also found to have a significant impact upon happiness. Feeling comfortable with the design of a space was found to make a huge 33% difference to happiness levels.
40% of people feel they do not have sufficient levels of privacy in their place of work
A desire for more privacy was also discovered: 40% of people feel they do not have sufficient levels of privacy in their place of work. And, perhaps accordingly, open-plan office house the least happy employees.
What kind of environment do you work in? How are staff managed? Are there aspects you feel could be improved upon? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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