Three Speyside primary schools dubbed 'unsustainable'
As reported by Press and Journal, three Speyside schools are no longer viable and talks are underway regarding what to keep reading
As reported by Press and Journal, three Speyside schools are no longer viable and talks are underway regarding what to keep reading
The Ipswich Star has reported that a primary school previously under thread of closure has made sufficient changes over two keep reading
Ofsted is due to publish its new consultation for a new and improved inspection framework today Today, Ofsted will publish keep reading
A Liverpool school has been rated ‘requires improvement’ after five years as ‘outstanding’, and the shift is being blamed on keep reading
As reported by the Eastern Daily Press, a Great Yarmouth school has turned itself around to achieve a ‘good’ Ofsted keep reading
Half of secondary schools in Wales have been rated less than ‘good’ in 2017-18, leading to two schools going into keep reading
According to Manchester Evening News, a boys’ academy has leapfrogged from ‘requires improvement’ to ‘outstanding’, but the head teacher believes keep reading
A Walsall school has been commended by Ofsted for its improvements – but it still has work to do, according keep reading
The BBC has reported that Ofsted’s chief inspector believes the exemption of ‘outstanding’ schools from routine inspections needs to change keep reading
Would placing accountability back in the hands of school leaders spark cooperation and innovation across the sector? Robert Klecha — new EdExec editor — keep reading
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