Parents protest 'inadequate' school becoming an academy
Spirit FM has reported that Compton parents have come together to protest turning Littlegreen School into an academy Parents have keep reading
Spirit FM has reported that Compton parents have come together to protest turning Littlegreen School into an academy Parents have keep reading
#wedontmessabout is a powerful hashtag and a fitting SBM mantra. Its author, Noel Conreen, school business and finance manager at keep reading
Construction of new 360-pupil school in Welshpool is now underway following a few teething problems, according to the Shropshire Star keep reading
Welsh medium education will receive funding to the tune of £51m, in order to fund 41 new educational projects across keep reading
The Scottish government may be forced to concede defeat regarding the national assessments introduced in 2017, according to the BBC keep reading
Are you prepared to manage subject access requests (SAR)? How many SARs have you received since May 25 when the keep reading
Ofsted’s chief inspector, Amanda Spielman, has released a new commentary stating that inspectors will, from now on, focus more on keep reading
Chronicle Live has reported that a Northumberland school has claimed it’s improving, but Ofsted has noted extremely high levels of keep reading
A school’s inability to improve over the last two years has placed it in special measures According to Bristol Live, keep reading
A campaign has been launched to fight funding cuts on behalf of maintained nursery schools, according to The Guardian A keep reading
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