A Labour government will scrap new academies and free schools
The creation of new academies and free schools could be scrapped by a future Labour government, Angela Rayner has said keep reading
The creation of new academies and free schools could be scrapped by a future Labour government, Angela Rayner has said keep reading
A Plymstock school in need of modernisation hopes to move onto a new estate in order to ensure a new keep reading
Construction of new 360-pupil school in Welshpool is now underway following a few teething problems, according to the Shropshire Star keep reading
BristolLive has reported that a project intended to replace a run-down primary school and autism facility with a new site keep reading
The Department for Education has announced that 53 free schools and one college have now been opened in the UK keep reading
The Dumfries and Galloway area is celebrating the opening of two schools which have been heavily invested in by the keep reading
News that a young pupil was injured at a brand new school last week has sparked criticism and further details keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in the Nottingham Post The new Park Vale Academy will be based within an keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in the Express and Star Cannock Chase Council planning chiefs are considering the plans for keep reading
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